Sunday, November 16, 2008


Oh dear... when the new year is approaching and your blog still leads with "Halloween", you know you're behind the eight ball!  So here are a few images from November to start...then I'll see if I can post some December hightlights under the wire while it's still 08.

First, I had to post these shots of Sam modeling his special cow shirt.  Our dear friend Hana Schutz is a very talented artist and made the shirt for Sam's 2nd birthday back in September. She has ideas of marketing these adorable prints - I think they'll be hot items!

We had several of our Apogee leaders over for breakfast in November...

...apparently they enjoyed themselves.  
Actually this is a promo shot for our new Apogee hoodies.  Sam got in on the modeling, too...

Here Sam & Daddy do a little trench digging for a new heater going into Kevin's office.   

Makes the old sand box look pretty boring, eh?

If I were a famous artist this would be called "Boy and Swing".

The girl in the party hat turns 35.  We were not able to capture it in the photo, but Kristin is holding a chocolate Obama bust in honor of our recent, historic election.  A clever and tastey gift!

Monday, November 3, 2008


Halloween was all about tools this year.  Here Sam & Gordie go to work on their pumpkin...

And the finished product... Who knew you could carve a pumpkin with a plastic drill?!

Sam gives Mr. Pumpkin some love.